Only apply for one product at a time. If a lender sees that you have made a lot of credit applications in a short space of time, they are likely to reject your application. This is because too many applications can make it look like you rely on credit to get by, and that you might struggle to pay them back.
Check that your credit report is up to date. This includes your personal details (i.e. name, employment status, salary etc.) and all of your financial accounts.
Look through your credit report. Try to find quick changes you could make to improve your score based on the insights we provide.
Consider the best financial product for you. Credit cards, loans, balance transfers and overdraft extensions could all provide you with credit. But some financial products are easier to obtain than others, for example, increasing the limit of your credit account, extending your overdraft may be easier than getting a new credit card.
Take a look at our financial product recommendations. These are our suggestions for you based on your credit score and financial situation. Although you’re not guaranteed to be accepted for these deals, they’re personalised to your unique situation, which could give you a better chance of acceptance.
Check your eligibility for loans. For loan products on our site, you’ll be able to see your chances of acceptance (shown as a High/Medium/Low) before you apply. If you have a high eligibility score, you’re more likely to be accepted, and vice versa.