Experian, our partner credit bureau, has changed their credit report information system and the way they work out your credit score.
The maximum score is now based on 740 instead of 705. The old score and new score can’t be compared as they’re worked out using different models.
We're expecting the majority of our users to see no change or a natural increase to their credit score. A small number of our users might see a decrease in their credit score after this change. This is because the credit report information is more complete and so might affect the score.
This new model gives you a clearer idea of how lenders decide whether to lend you money. Both Experian and lenders use your most up-to-date information, so this new credit score gives you a better idea of how lenders see you.
The insights we show you tell you what could be affecting your credit score. These are personalised to you and give you easy-to-action steps to help you improve your score.
If something on your credit report isn't right,
Learn more about Experian's new score in this article.