A credit report is a snapshot of your own credit history and current financial status. It contains information about how well you have maintained your credit accounts and any recent credit applications you’ve made.
It contains information about your identity, such as your residential information and telephone numbers, as well as public information such as:
Different credit reference bureaus will hold different credit reports on you, but they're all based on the same base information provided by these sources.
Banks and lenders use your credit report when they decide whether to give you credit.
At ClearScore we use data from Experian, who'll update your credit report and score once a month.
We give you access to your credit report and score for free, whenever you want to check it, so you can monitor changes over time and take control of your financial future.
It’s a good idea to regularly check that your report is accurate and up to date. This will help protect you from identity fraud and allow you to see the likelihood of being accepted for credit in the future.